Give Me 30 Minutes And I'll Give You 5 Profitable Businesses You Can
Buy With No Money Out Of Pocket!

Discover The EXACT Strategy Roland Has Used To Found, Acquire, Scale Or Sell Over Two Dozen Businesses With Sales Ranging From $3 Million To Just Under $4 Billion!

FIND Deals
THINK like an E.P.I.C Investor
Is 2023 The Year You Finally Scale Your Business To The Next Level?
Some of Our Successful Students...
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Jay Abraham
Omari Broussard
I was outrageously impressed and humbled by Roland…
I watched Roland in 1 hour blow me away with things I had done years ago at a very tertiary level.
And he went through a litany of depth and dimension and imperial examples that literally blew my mind - and very few things blow my mind.
* Individual results are not typical. Background, education, and effort may affect your experience. Information is shared as examples and not a guarantee. Your results may vary.

Here's How it Works...
... and Roland is going to show you how. Roland will lay out why buying a business (or its assets) is the simplest and fastest way to accomplish your growth goals and why NOW is the best time in over 30 years to do so.
We are talking about a fundamental shift in how you see money, business, and negotiations by unpacking case studies, structure mastery, and real world deals Roland has done.

Step 1: You need to THINK like an E.P.I.C Investor
Where are they? Why do they want to sell? And how do we get THEM to come to US?
We are going to cover over 70 different types of deals sources, Roland’s screening checklist, analyst toolkits, and much, much more.

Step 2: It's all about FINDING Deals
More specifically funding deals…without any money out of our pocket!
There are 159 of those strategies to be exact and we’ll whittle those down a few that will work best for you. We’ll also connect you with almost 6,000 different funding sources we are using in our community right now.

We’ll discuss the agreements and documents you need to keep yourself safe and above board, due diligence flowcharts to make sure you don’t miss anything, and post purchase integrations with your team so you can keep piling them up, and a bunch more.

Step 4: The fun part... BUYING

WOW! Talk about overdelivering! Roland put together an awesome course for anyone even remotely interested in business acquisitions.
Not only did we get solid training (which you could immediately implement), it is packed with much more! (But I don’t want to spoil the surprises you get along the way)
Yes, it was delivered on the promise of helping us identify 5 businesses to acquire (I identified 5 myself). And Yes, it was worth 10X the small investment of $55.
So if you get the chance to join…just do it.
Julie Bubzy

In April I was minding my own business (literally), running my little start up company and homeschooling my 8 kids. I was content.
At some point, I saw Roland Frasier and signed up, not even fully understanding what it was about.
Thank you to all of the EPIC team and truly, truly, to my super helpful and inspiring “classmates”. My business is on a new trajectory and I’m giddy!

I'll take you through my
of Experience